
San Francisco City Academy and Leadership School's goal is to provide a safe environment for a high-quality learning experience. We believe a child should have a solid foundation in both academic and character development to succeed in life. Our goal is to ensure that success. Our small class sizes allow for individualized attention throughout the learning process, supporting all students to achieve high expectations and develop a strong academic foundation.
What We Offer
To further achieve our mission and goals, San Francisco City Academy continues to develop additional opportunities within and beyond the curriculum for students:
Continued development of a STEAM Lab and Makerspace Kits to support students acquiring college and career readiness skills as they relate to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.
Curation of community partners and context experts to leverage their real-world experiences to provide additional learning opportunities for students from athletics to arts and more!
Access to an on-site library where students can check out books to further boost their literacy skills.
Exploration of Genius Hours or 20 Time in some classrooms, where students are given time to explore academic passions or interests independently.
SFCA partners with local organizations and doctors to provide yearly school-wide health screenings to ensure that students are healthy. These organizations will also provide age appropriate lessons on healthy lifestyle choices.
The English Language Arts standards are organized around reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. These standards feature specific domains of learning that scale across all grade levels.
Identify and analyze key details of a text.
Consider craft and structure of a text to understand its purpose and audience.
Integrate knowledge and ideas from a range of sources.
Write in a variety of styles for a variety of purposes.
Research to build and present knowledge.
Organize ideas and information using appropriate technology.
Prepare for and engage in collaborative discussions.
Understand conventions of modern English.
Make effective choices in writing and speaking using correct vocabulary and knowledge of language.
The Mathematics standards include grade-specific skills, as well as Standards for Mathematical Practice that all learners will acquire over the course of studying mathematics.
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
Look for and make use of structure.
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

The Specialized Services Department (SSD) provides support to any student at SF City Academy who needs additional resources to succeed. We connect students to professional speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, and counselors to help them learn and grow. SSD learning specialists also provide tutoring and individual or group learning for various subjects including math and reading.
SSD is different from a traditional Special Education program. We believe all students should be included in the general education classroom. That’s why the services we provide allow each child to spend as much time in the classroom as they can.
Our counselors work with our students to help them navigate social situations, learn healthy coping skills and work through trauma they have experienced in their lives. Speech therapists can help our students to form their sounds properly in order to build confidence and communication skills.
Specialized Services Department