For Parents

Our tuition rate for the upcoming school year is $12,900.00 annually, payable in 10 monthly installments ($1,290 per month). Please see Table A for tuition cost qualifications based on household size and income. Please see Table B for curriculum fee based on household size.
Click the button below to see tables.

Scholarships + Financial Aid
Part of San Francisco City Academy's mission is to help make a quality education accessible to anyone who is willing to receive it. If families are unable to pay full tuition, we encourage parents/legal guardians to apply for financial aid. San Francisco City Academy offers financial aid options from BASIC Fund (available for new students), Guardsmen (available for a limited number of current students), and in-house scholarships through San Francisco City Academy sponsors (which are activated after applying to BASIC and Guardsmen if eligible). In the 2020-2021 school year, 99% of our families received a scholarship to attend San Francisco City Academy.
If eligible to receive the scholarship, new families can apply for BASIC Fund (groups G and H on the table here are eligible for BASIC Fund enrollment). Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis starting in January, until the deadline of March 30th has passed. To complete the application process, parents/guardians must turn in financial paperwork by the required deadline. If the deadline for BASIC Fund has passed, families can still apply and be put on BASIC Fund's wait-list, and scholarships will be awarded periodically through the summer if funds become available. If/when scholarships have been awarded, San Francisco City Academy’s in-house scholarship program will help raise the additional financial support by seeking monthly sponsorships. A 65% in-house scholarship is awarded to families who are eligible and apply to BASIC. Additional funds will be raised to reflect Group G & H costs for eligible families, after they are awarded a third-party scholarship. If funds are not awarded by BASIC, families can apply for financial hardship with the front office and in-house scholarship options may be provided on a case by case basis.
Please see the table here for tuition cost qualifications based on household size, income, and financial aid. Please note: families in Group A are not eligible for financial aid.
The table here reflects tuition amounts for a single student based on household size, income, and awarded financial aid. If a student has been enrolled in SFCA, they may be receiving financial aid in the form of sponsorships and scholarships from BASIC or Guardsmen (groups G and H on the table are eligible for re-enrollment). If a family receives scholarships from BASIC Fund or Guardsmen, families must reapply and be granted these scholarships to be eligible for Groups G and H in the tuition scale. If families do not reapply for the scholarships they were receiving in the previous year, the family will be ineligible for groups G and H in the tuition scale. Families can apply for financial hardship with the front office and in-house scholarship options may be provided on a case by case basis. For students who have not received third-party scholarships in the past, previous in-house scholarships will still be awarded in the coming year. Please note: families in Group A are not eligible for financial aid.
SFCA seeks to include parents in their child’s educational path. The following opportunities are available to parents and guardians. Families that are able to experience 2 out of the 4 choices per quarter will receive a $70 credit to be applied for the following month. Families must communicate a week before the next quarter what two choices they plan on completing. Families will either submit a Google Form confirming their choice or fill out a Parent Involvement contract agreement. The SFCA front office & administration will monitor parental involvement hours. If choosing to be in the school, parents may not bring children with them. Please check in with the front office for more information.
Want to Support Your Student at Home?
At City Academy, we put emphasis on teacher-led support for students as they learn new concepts.
Research also shows that when students do the majority of their academic work at school, it leads to higher outcomes for students, because they are able to get in-the-moment feedback from their teacher which strengthens the learning process. Because of this, your student will rarely have homework, if ever! This frees up afternoons for family time and for students to engage in hobbies or other activities/responsibilities.
However, we understand that you may want to support your student academically at home, which is great! We recommend that families sign up for a library card and spend 30 minutes each night reading together as a family! Literacy skills are so important, and this is the best way you can support your student academically. If there are other specific skills your student needs support with, your student’s teacher will communicate those things with you and provide you with tools to help at home.